Friday, February 25, 2011

Discover Home Solar Today: What is the Most Functional Commonly Used Today?

Home Solar Energy System is growing in popularity through out the country. As a prospective user, you might be interested to know specific information on the small and functional System you can build or acquire. You may rightfully choose to pursue the small and the functional because of a common perception that it is likewise the cheapest and the best way to “test the waters”. 

The cost is a major consideration since the System entails additional budget in its construction and will likely affect your finances. Will the benefits outweigh the cost? Is it difficult to upgrade the System? This article will address these concerns.

A functional Home Solar Energy System basically consists of:

1.    Solar panels – these collect and convert sunlight to electricity
2.    Inverter – this converts direct current from the solar panels to alternating current for use of home appliances, electronic devices, refrigerator, heater, etc.
3.    Battery bank – stores electricity for future use
4.    Charge controllers– conveys direct current from solar panels  to battery bank, inverter and direct current loads of home
5.    Wiring – provides electrical connections
6.    Mounting structures – provide support for the panels

This System is also known as Grid-tie with Battery Bank. As the name implies, the System remains connected to the utility grid. This most popular home solar electricity source has usually a capacity of 3 kilowatts. The price ranges from $ 10,000 to $ 15,000 before government incentives (usually up to 50% of the total cost).

This how it works: The System generates and supplies electricity to the household and the battery bank during daytime. At night or during cloudy days electricity may come from the grid or the battery bank.

In the Home Solar Energy System, the flow of electricity is in 2 directions:

1.    1. Towards your home if the electricity you generate is low and needs power from the grid.
2.    2. Towards the grid if you produce electricity more than you use and your battery can store. This way you earn money because the grid buys your excess electricity. The Public Utility Regulatory Act requires utility companies to buy electricity from renewable energy producers.

The stored electricity in the battery bank guarantees uninterrupted electricity supply even when grid power is down. You are barely affected by grid electricity rate increase. 

When there is an increase in the home electrical consumption due to additional load in appliances or electronics, batteries and solar panels should be added to the System. The process is simple and can be readily finished. Batteries and panels add cost and maintenance but can be cost effective in many applications.

Generally, the size of the System depends on:
1.     1.  how energy efficient is your home
2.     2.  how high is your electrical consumption

More and more homeowners who are connected to the utility company are now using solar energy for part or all of their electricity needs. The choice is yours whether to build the System or get a professional to do it for you. 

We invite you to visit our Informative Solar Article page for more practical tips, simplified application guide and established solar benefits.

About the Author
Jacinto Demonteverde, Jr., the owner, is a strong advocate of solar power adoption. URL: He writes practical articles to keep established and prospective solar users well informed. You are welcome to republish or reprint this article free of charge provided the content remains unchanged including the Author’s Box. No permission is needed.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Home Solar Today and the Future of Prospective Solar Users

Two year ago President Barak Obama said in a press statement:  “We have a choice. We can remain the world’s leading importer of oil or we can become the world’s leading exporter of clean energy . . . the nation that leads the world in creating new sources of clean energy will be the nation that leads 21st century global economy. That’s the nation I want America to be.” The president expressed clearly and emphatically his unqualified support  for pursuing clean energy.

How did the nation react to the call? Past events showed that the resources of the government both local and federal were mobilized. Industry movers and educational institutions also cooperated in undertaking different programs. As citizens, we can do no less. We should support the move to go solar.

The private sector intensified research which resulted in innovations in the field of solar conversion efficiency and reduction of production cost. How did this affect the beginners or prospective solar users? What’s in store for them?The gains of home solar today are so significant that beginners can not loss if they adopt the technology now.

These are some of the most recent advances and forecast beginners can think about: 

Conversion efficiency continues to improve and cost to fall. First Solar CdTe thin film has brought manufacturing cost below $1.00/watt. Sun Power has achieved a record 24% commercial efficiency.

At present, 95% of Home solar is connected to the utility companies. By 2014 it will be 97 to 99%.

The Financial Times reports that solar energy is on the path to grow amazingly fast with business amounting to $ 20 billion in 2009 to $ 90 billion in 2010.

Solar energy continues to be a secured investment. Many homeowners see return of investment (ROI) of 10 to 20%. The ROI for stock market is 9.3% and government bonds less than 5% annually for the past 100 years. It makes financial sense in putting your money in solar energy.

Renewable sources of energy are fast replacing the ones in current use and solar energy is identified to be the cleanest and most abundant renewable energy source available.

The price of solar panels has fallen by approximately 50% compared to peak price in 2008.

Bloomberg New Energy Finance expects residential-scale solar to be installed in 2.4% of the houses in the US by 2020.

Solar energy financing like Power Purchase Agreement, Power Lease and others are now in place.

Decrease in solar panel prices combined with renewable tax credits and other incentives will continue to drive solar energy growth in the US.

  Solar energy is more secure as the technology moves faster and closer to consumption in homes, commercial and industrial sectors.The prospects for solar energy beginners remain bright and promising. All cards are in their favor if they build solar energy at home. It is wise for them to install now, enjoy the benefits and save the environment.

We invite you to visit our Informational Solar Article page  for more practical tips, simplified application guide and established solar benefits.

Author’s Box
Jacinto Demonteverde, Jr., the owner, is a strong advocate of solar power adoption. URL: He writes practical articles to keep established and prospective solar users well informed. You are welcome to republish or reprint this article free of charge provided the content remains unchanged including the Author’s Box. No permission is needed.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Solar Attic Fan: A Real Money Saver you can build and Use for up to 25 Years

A Solar Attic Fan is a device to lower the temperature in your attic by as much as 50 degrees allowing your air conditioner to work less. It is simple and one of the best solutions that can protect your home and save you money. Powered completely by free solar energy, it is compact, quiet and efficient!

How it functions; types available

 Solar Attic Fan functions by blowing out hot air and moisture out of your attic and pulling in cooler air from the outside thus improving attic air circulation and resulting in a healthy and energy efficient home.   Minimizing the temperature difference increases the overall efficiency of your home’s insulation and reduces the amount of heat transferred into your home.

Highly efficient, a 10 watt attic fan can move 850 cu. ft. of air per minute; a 20 watt fan, 1250 cu. ft. Cost ranges from $ 400 to $ 600 if you buy. It could be very much less if you build one. The unit consists of housing, motor and panel.  Most Solar Attic Fan available carries a warranty of 25 years.

Benefits and advantages

By lowering attic temperatures and reducing heat transfer, your home will feel more comfortable and will require less energy to cool.  It will exhaust super heated attic air before it can get into your living space. Solar Attic Fan will surely reduce your air conditioning expenses. 

It can also reduce moisture that decays wood and insulation. It helps extend the life of your roof.  In summer months, it keeps your attic cooler helping reduce the load on your air conditioning system. In winter months, it prevents moisture build-up and ice damming.  Adding a Solar Attic Fan is a simple and affordable home improvement that will pay for itself overtime.

Advantages of Solar Attic Fan over conventional fans:

1.       Free energy to power fan; it comes from the sun
2.       No electrician or permit required (a savings of around $ 400)
3.       Quiet operation

Solar Attic Fans are so energy efficient that they qualify for Federal Solar Tax Credits as defined in the Emergency Stabilization Act as a residential photovoltaic system. 

Help cool your home using the power of the sun; your cost of operation is zero. You can make it a DIY Project or acquire one from a reliable supplier. Your effort will help save the environment.

Author’s Box
Did you find the article useful? There are more in our Informative Solar Article page. Jacinto Demonteverde, Jr., the owner, is a strong advocate of solar power adoption. URL: He writes practical articles to keep established and prospective solar users well informed. You are welcome to republish or reprint this article free of charge provided the content remains unchanged including the Author’s Box. No permission is needed

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Home Solar Beginners Will Benefit From The Gains of the Last 4 Decades

Four decades have passed since the government was jolted by an event that set them into  serious thinking about renewable power particularly solar energy. 

 What really fast -tracked the solar power movement? Looking back, we knew that the Arab oil embargo of 1973 nearly brought economic dislocation and financial havoc to the country. All of a sudden we realized how vulnerable we were to foreign fossil fuel supply.

Before 1973, the private sector was already into basic solar energy research. Photovoltaic in the country was born with the production by Bell Laboratory of the first silica cell capable of generating measurable electric current. This was followed by technological advances so that the cost of solar electricity started to go down.

 From $ 300/watt at the earliest stage, the price was brought down to $ 100 and later to $ 20 with the less expensive solar cell design of Dr. Elliot Berman. The search for low-priced solar panels continues to this day

The challenge to have alternative sources of power became real and the government led the movement to go solar. They invested heavily on solar electric cell produced by Bell Laboratory. 

The Department of Energy launched the Solar Energy Institute, a federal facility dedicated to harnessing power from the sun. It focused on accelerating the advancement of the technology  to make solar electricity cost competitive with conventional forms of electricity. The private sector was with the movement all the way. This was 4 decades ago.

What have we to show as a result of the step-up effort initiated in the 70’s? Were there significant gains by the government and the solar industry? Did the gains answer some searching questions of solar beginners?

 Advances made by the government and the solar industry:
    1.    More than 10,000 homes are now electrically independent producing their own electricity.
            2.    More than 200,000 homes use some type of photovoltaic solar technology.
            3. There are aggressive solar energy programs to promote solar power adoption:
     a.    Solar America City to encourage adoption at local level.
     b.    Solar Decathlon to bring to the attention of people the biggest challenge of an ever increasing need for energy.
     c.    Grand Solar Plan, a bold program to wean the country from dangerous, polluting, unstable and expensive fossil fuel by 2050. 
4.  A growing awareness of the people where 77% of Americans feel the federal       government should make solar power development a national priority including financial support       
5. Solar demand has grown at about 30% per year over the past 15 years attesting to its increasing acceptability.
 6.    US attained 8% share of the total world photovoltaic market in 2009.

 Specific gains which benefited home solar energy users:
1.          1. Solar energy prices have declined on average 4% over the past 15 years. Now the cost of solar electricity ranges from $ 5 to $10/watt without incentives.
2.           2. Government solar incentives consisting of federal tax credit and state rebate are available and can lower installation cost by up to 50%.
3.            3. Utility companies also extend solar incentives in the form of net metering and green pricing. 
         4.   DIY Solar Energy Kits and Ready to Install Home Solar Energy Systems are now available.
5.            5. Financing assistance from the government and private sector is now in place.

Whether the gains are substantial or not are often the subject of disagreements and discussions. Despite this minor conflict, we know that we are in the right direction to move on to more research and technology information dissemination. 

Homeowners are finding out that the roof is not only to protect them from rain but a preferred location for a mini electric plant to supply household electricity.

Author’s Box
Did you find the article useful? There are more in our Informative Solar Article page. Jacinto Demonteverde, Jr., the owner, is a strong advocate of solar power adoption. URL: He writes practical articles to keep established and prospective solar users well informed. You are welcome to republish or reprint this article free of charge provided the content remains unchanged including the Author’s

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Home Solar Energy System is the Most Effective Way To Beat the Cost of Grid Electricity

Home Solar Energy System or the home- installed electricity source is one of the most common applications of solar energy. At present, there are over 10,000 homes that are entirely powered by solar energy. These are electricity independent no longer connected to the utility grid. Their electric bills are zero. Also, more than 200,000 homes use some type of solar energy technology. They generate and use solar electricity but remain connected to the grid for part of their electricity needs.

 What is in common with these solar powered homes? They have reduced or eliminated their electricity bills. In short, these homes beat grid electricity.

Many argue that these are small or insignificant figures considering the total number of household in the country. Small as it is, the number can serve as models to demonstrate the benefits of Home Solar Energy System. It becomes an important tool for dissemination of the technology.  Is the System ripe for adoption?

 Here are 5 reasons: 

S   1.  Solar energy is an established technology providing inexhaustible, free and clean power available to everyone.
2.    How to acquire solar energy with incentive programs were drawn by the government, educational institution and industry movers for nationwide implementation.
3.    A wide scale information dissemination led by the government and supported by the private sector is in place.
4.    A positive response by a number of homeowners to home solar energy has been on the rise.
5.    Families are experiencing a steady increase in the cost of grid electricity.
The best way to beat the cost of grid electricity is to build or buy your Solar Energy System and generate your own electricity. In short you become a private utility company generating power in your backyard or rooftop.  And how will the System accomplish this?

 Here in a nutshell is how the System works and some experiences of established solar users:
1.    The System works by generating free electricity to provide a greater portion of your household needs. Your expense is the one time set up cost. Your fuel from the sun is free.
2.     Very briefly, the System which consists generally of solar panels, charge controller, battery bank and inverter converts sunlight to alternating current for home use. It stays connected to the grid and is most popular among homeowners.
3.    Take note that since you are your own generating company using free fuel, you are not subjected to threat of electricity increase or power interruption. Fuel cost had been the cause of steady rise of grid electricity in the past decade.
4.    Established solar users found that the System reduces their electricity bills by 60 to 80% and some as written earlier up to 100%.
5.    Users of the System are not subjected to electricity interruption because of reserve power in battery bank. Almost maintenance free, the System functions up to 30 years.
6.    It is the experience of solar users that the System increases home value.
7.    Established solar users consider Home Solar Energy System the best home improvement because it recovers 100% of its cost.

Home Solar Energy System is flexible. It can be started small and expanded later as time and money are available. 

Please visit our Informative Solar Article page for more practical tips, simplified application guide and established solar benefits.

About the Author
Jacinto Demonteverde, Jr., the owner, is a strong advocate of solar power adoption. URL: He writes practical articles to keep established and prospective solar users well informed. You are welcome to republish or reprint this article free of charge provided the content remains unchanged.  No permission is needed.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Residential Solar Energy System is Almost Maintenance Free. Use it for up to 30 Years

Residential Solar System is extremely reliable and tough. Because this is made of very inert materials it could easily last for up to 30 years. Most of the other components also last for many years without problems.

Solar modules or panels which are the heart of the System have no moving parts so there are no potential points of mechanical failures. But inverters and batteries require preventive maintenance. Inverters may be replaced after 10 to 15 years and batteries may need replacement after 5 to 10 years. 

Solar panel maintenance:

1.    Clean of dirty panels and frames with water and cleansing solution. A frame that is allowed to deteriorate will shorten the panel’s life.
2.    Annual check- up should be conducted for crack panels, corroded electrical connections and shading of panels by trees or other structures. In dusty areas, the panels will have to be cleaned more frequently.
3.    Cleansing of panels is not cosmetic. It is to keep the panels operate at maximum efficiency.

Inverter maintenance:

1.    Do not attempt to shift the inverter (electrically) from its installed point. Consult a technician.
2.    Do not spill water on the inverter as it will damage the circuitry inside.
3.    Do not cover the inverter; if it has to be housed provide ventilation

Battery maintenance:

1.    You should have the batteries fully charge battery before use.
2.    Connectors should be tightened; battery should be wiped free of all corrosive dust and dirt.
3.    Check and keep correct acid level after charging.
4.    Do not run the battery dry. Use distilled or treated water.
5.    Keep discharge to a minimum.

 Experience shows that most problems of Residential Solar System occur because of poor installation so these must be given careful attention. It is recommended that a check of Residential Solar System be made once a year to make sure everything is performing as it should be.
Author’s Box
Did you find the article useful? There are more in our Informative Solar Article page. Jacinto Demonteverde, Jr., the owner, is a strong advocate of solar power adoption. URL: He writes practical articles to keep established and prospective solar users well informed. You are welcome to republish or reprint this article free of charge provided the content remains unchanged including the Author’s Box. No permission is needed.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Home Solar System: Find out If this Technology Is a Good Fit for You?

The benefits of Home Solar System are so many beginners think they can simply build the System and everything will work out fine. While the technology is available to all and can readily be acquired, a few things should be known first.
 The following 8 solar tips and info have benefited thousands of homeowners and helped them find out that home solar is a good fit for them. 

1.    Make the home energy efficient. This involves the proper use of appliances, electronics, lighting, cooling and heating facilities and correcting wasteful electricity consumption practices. This alone will significantly lower electricity consumption and will mean a smaller and less expensive Home Solar System.

 2 Know the average monthly electricity consumption and work on the electricity reduction you want to accomplish. This will be a guide in the computation of the size and cost of the System.
3.    Know the type of System to be built. Is it the Grid tie without Battery or Grid tie with Battery or the Stand Alone System (Off-grid). 

4.     Know whether a homeowner can totally build and finish the System with a DIY Kit. If not, which part can be worked on and which can be subcontracted to a professional.

5.    Know the solar incentives available. The federal government extends a 30% tax credit on the total installation cost. The states also give tax rebates which vary. The federal tax credit and state rebate combined can reduce installation cost by up to 50%.

6.    Know the licenses and permits required by the state for solar energy installation and the interconnecting agreement with the utility company for net metering.

7.    Make sure that the home has unobstructed access to the sun, no shading from trees, tall buildings and other structures.

8.    Get a good Solar Energy DIY Kit (if you want to build) which could explain the basics of solar power installation and provide guidance every step of the way.

The DIY approach to solar energy is the most practical, economical and affordable way to acquire solar electricity at home. It is one of the answers to the biggest solar energy adoption barriers which are the cost of installation.

Flexibility also works in favor of DIY Installation in that the System can be started small and expanded later as time and money become available. Of course Home Solar System can be acquired through a professional installer.

Author’s Box
Did you find the article useful? There are more in our Informative Solar Article page. Jacinto Demonteverde, Jr., the owner, is a strong advocate of solar power adoption. URL: He writes practical articles to keep established and prospective solar users well informed. You are welcome to republish or reprint this article free of charge provided the content remains unchanged including the Author’s Box. No permission is needed.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Solar Swimming Pool Heater Extends Your Swimming Season without Additional Cost

The advent of Solar Swimming Pool Heater has changed the swimming practices of most family members. Some pool owners  " winterize" their pools during the winter months. This is simply the preparation to close down the pools during winter season. In spring, the pool owners   do the opposite thing; they "summerize" their pools.  This is preparing the pools for summer and ready for use by the family.

One of the reasons for closing the pools during winter is the high cost of operation of conventional pool heater. With solar pool heaters, there is no fuel cost. The electricity used to run the pump of the solar heaters cost only $ 30 to 75 per year. This is the main reason why solar pool heaters works year round in southern climates and extends pool season in northern climates.

Another plus factor to consider is the very low maintenance cost. The collectors will require little maintenance if the pool chemical balance and filtering system are checked regularly. The equipments are so reliable that warranty coverage far exceeds that of automobiles and household appliances. Solar pool heaters has a longevity of up to 20 years compared to gas of 5 years.

 In the US, over 300,000 pools use solar power for heating. The main reason to this shift is the economy and savings it brings to the family. There is no reason not to use solar when this power is free. It is also clean and emits no pollutant into the environment.

  Looking at the savings, and how the family uses and enjoys swimming for a long time, there is scarcely any reason not to integrate solar heater into the pool.  A win-win situation is created where pool owners save a lot and the environment becomes a healthy place to live.

Solar Swimming Pool Heater can be made a DIY (do it yourself) Project or built by a professional installer. Browse around; we may have other practical information you need.

Author’s Box
Did you find the article useful? There are more in our Informative Solar Article page. Jacinto Demonteverde, Jr., the owner, is a strong advocate of solar power adoption. URL: He writes practical articles to keep established and prospective solar users well informed. You are welcome to republish or reprint this article free of charge provided the content remains unchanged including the Author’s Box. No permission is needed.

Solar Water Heater: One of the Most Reliable Money Savers at Home

Solar Water Heater or Domestic Hot Water System is one of the oldest and established applications of solar power. In America it had been used for over 100 years. The expense involved in water heating is high. The country spends $13 billion a year equivalent to 11.4 barrels of oil per household. This is speaking of fuel alone. In solar water heater this is zero. 

 Water heaters account for 25% of the total energy used in a typical single-family home representing a major household expense. Of all the major types of water heating systems, solar energy offers the biggest savings to homeowners. Savings range from 50 to 80% on the utility bills over the cost of electric water heating. Solar water heater is now accepted as a money saver. It is proven an economical way to generate hot water far superior to those fueled by conventional fuel (oil, electricity, gas). Millions of homeowners have relied on solar water heaters for efficiency and durability.

 How much the homeowner will save will depend on:

1.    The volume of hot water  used
2.    The cost of fuel used before the System (oil, electricity, gas)
3.    The System’s efficiency
4.    The location and solar resource

The Solar Hot Water System which includes storage tank and solar collectors works by preheating the water in solar collectors and siphoning to the conventional water heater for distribution and use of the household.

How to acquire:

Solar water heater can be made a DIY project. It can also be bought ready to  install.

Of the over 1.5 million Americans who have invested in solar hot water systems for their homes and businesses, over 94% consider the investment a wise decision. Browse around, we may have other practical articles you need.

Author’s Box
Did you find the article useful? There are more in our Informative Solar Article page. Jacinto Demonteverde, Jr., the owner, is a strong advocate of solar power adoption. URL: He writes practical articles to keep established and prospective solar users well informed. You are welcome to republish or reprint this article free of charge provided the content remains unchanged including the Author’s Box. No permission is needed.

Solar Air Heater: You Can Easily Build One Yourself

Solar Air Heater is the most economical way to heat your room because your fuel is free. You just have to pay a one-time set up cost and you get significant savings in the years to come. The building process itself is easy and a simple window type can be built with a few hundred dollars as a do-it-yourself project. Of course you can also have it installed by a professional installer.

All the reasons are in your favor to have one installed in your home.

1.    It is easy and economical to build or acquire
2.    It is almost maintenance free
3.    It will save you a lot of money
4.    It is environment friendly with no pollutants produced in operation

Most Air Heating Systems are designed as room heaters suited for individual or adjoining rooms. Very briefly, this is how it works: An electric powered fan or blower pulls air from the room through the collector and blows back heated air into the room. This is the simple wall mounted solar heater. For roof mounted designed to heat adjoining rooms, ducts to convey air must be installed. The electrically powered fan makes it an active solar air heater. In the passive type, air enters into the bottom of the collector, rises as it is heated and enters the room.

Although factory built collectors for on-site installation are available, do-it-yourselfers may choose to build and install their own air collectors.

Author’s Box
Did you find the article useful? There are more in our Informative Solar Article page. Jacinto Demonteverde, Jr., the owner, is a strong advocate of solar power adoption. URL: He writes practical articles to keep established and prospective solar users well informed. You are welcome to republish or reprint this article free of charge provided the content remains unchanged including the Author’s Box. No permission is needed.

Portable Solar Power Provides Energy at Your Fingertips

 Portable Solar Power is an ideal source of power for anyone who does a lot of traveling. Providing electric power in overnight picnics is a popular use. It always guarantees solar electricity at one’s fingertips. When drained of electric power, the unit can be charge as soon as the sun rises, ready to be used again. With recent advances, portable solar are now efficient at more compact sizes. Many are capable of being folded or rolled into more convenient traveling sizes. You can find one that will meet your needs. 

Recharging batteries and powering appliances and electronic devices are common uses of portable solar power. It is also very handy for powering lap tops, cell phones, ipods, small tv sets, and many more. Portable solar electricity also provides light for night time activity. And it is possible to maintain the battery of your car or boat with certain portable solar power. 

A portable solar power system usually consists of:

1.  1.   Solar panel
2.   2. Voltage controller
3.   3.  Cable
4.   4.  Storage case 

Portable solar power needs little or no wiring. It is a plug and play system – plug and you have power instantly. No system comes close to portable solar when we consider convenience and ease of operation. 

The benefits of portable solar power include:

1.   1.  Availability of electrical power anywhere you go
2.   2  Handy back-up power for places prone to power outages
3.   3.  Handy power source for few small items like laptop, portable TV, ipods etc.
4.   4. Cheap source of power when you’re off-grid (no connection to the utility company)

There are many more emergency situations during which portable solar power would be useful. Browse around; we may have other information you need.

Author’s Box
Did you find the article useful? There are more in our Informative Solar Article page. Jacinto Demonteverde, Jr., the owner, is a strong advocate of solar power adoption. URL: He writes practical articles to keep established and prospective solar users well informed. You are welcome to republish or reprint this article free of charge provided the content remains unchanged including the Author’s Box

Residential Solar System Earns You Money with Net Metering

What is Net Metering? Briefly, it is an interconnection agreement between the utility company and the consumer producing solar electricity. It allows utility customers to offset some or all of the energy used with self produced solar energy through the Residential Solar System. The meter spins forward when the customer is drawing power from the grid and spins backward when energy is being sent back. This shows that excess electricity is produced by the customer.
The Energy Policy Act of 2005 requires all public utilities to make available upon request net metering to their customers. This agreement is now one of the most effective solar incentives for residential level adoption of the technology. Instead of you paying the grid, the utility company pays you for the electricity produced.

 Net metering is beneficial to both the customer and the utility grid for 2 reasons:

1.    1. This agreement allows the customer to “bank” or deposit with the grid excess electricity to offset consumption over a billing period. This allows the customer to use electricity at a different time that it is produced giving the customer more flexibility and enabling them to maximize the value of their production. If at the end of the year a surplus remains, then the customer is paid for the difference at retail price. 

2.    2. Net metering increases the energy in the power grid and is a welcome development to keep up with the increase in demand during peak power-use hours.

. To participate in the Net Metering Program, the customer must apply and receive approval from the utility company to have Residential Solar System interconnected with them. The company will outline the requirements for safe connection to the grid. The local energy office can supply the other requirements and the state laws concerning net metering in the area.

Author’s Box
Did you find the article useful? There are more in our Informative Solar Article page. Jacinto Demonteverde, Jr., the owner, is a strong advocate of solar power adoption. URL: He writes practical articles to keep established and prospective solar users well informed. You are welcome to republish or reprint this article free of charge provided the content remains unchanged including the Author’s Box. No permission is needed.

Governement Incentives Lower Your Home Solar Installation Cost by Up to 50%

Government incentives are given to families who would install solar energy in their homes. This indicates that the government is fully convinced of the benefits of the technology This move is equally supported by the industry, educational institutions and the private sector. Yes, federal tax credit and state tax rebate await those who want to build or acquire their own Home Solar System.

1.     1   The Emergency Energy Policy Act of 2005 offers a tax credit of 30% for photovoltaic system (solar home energy) and water heater with a tax credit ceiling of $ 2,000. This Act expired on December 31, 2007.

2.   2The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 extended the expiration of Emergency Energy Policy Act of 2005 to December 31, 2016. This Act offered the same tax credit and increased the tax credit ceiling by removing the $ 2,000 limit.

3.   3. A growing number of states offer energy incentives usually in the form of tax rebates. The amount varies from state to state. 

4.  Other incentives from private companies and organizations may also be available. You may inquire from your local energy office.

5.  One of the provisions of American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 confirms that homeowners who go solar using municipal financing can receive the federal solar rebate

Federal tax credit and state tax rebate combined, reduces your installation cost by up to 50%. This is one of the reasons why home solar adoption in some states have increased significantly. The other reason is the tremendous benefits that home solar bring to the family.

A great resource for getting comprehensive details of your state incentive program is the Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency (DSIRE). Incentives from all sources (government and private) must be known to you since this is important in your decision to acquire a system at home.

About the Author

Did you find the article useful? There are more in our Informative Solar Article page. Jacinto Demonteverde, Jr., the owner, is a strong advocate of solar power adoption. URL: He writes practical articles to keep established and prospective solar users well informed. You are welcome to republish or reprint this article free of charge provided the content remains unchanged including the Author’s Box. No permission is needed.